Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My bed rest isn't good enough for you?

Ugh, I went for my regular check up yesterday afternoon and promptly got sent right up to the hospital! My blood pressure it seems is waaaaay too high. I'm here for a 24 hour observation on the monitors so its not real fun. Hey, at least they have wifi and my hubby went home to get my lap top... so, I'll survive, hehehe.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

whole grains and fruit

Well today was check up day and it went really well. Bristol has gained several ounces, my legs weren't as swollen, and my blood pressure numbers were down just a bit. I was a bad girl though afterwards I went to Steak & Shake with Daddy for a burger and cheese fries and I did sneak in a trip to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things. I was so tired when I got home this evening that I didn't even want to eat supper! Never fear though, lol, I just polished off a bowl of Cheerios and a banana for a bedtime see there, I got some whole grains and a fruit!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday's house cleaning

I have to say cleaning was kind of fun today... because I didn't do a thing! LOL Jaybo made pancakes, cleaned the kitchen, did some laundry, and cleaned the wood floors. I did give little Jo a bath and help Jaybo blow dry him but other than that I've enjoyed the company of my recliner again today.
Tomorrow is maternity portrait day. Jaybo's cousin (does a little photography on the side) is going to take a few belly pics for us. I can't wait to work with him. He does not like to do "traditional" portraits and well, we all know that I don't like anything traditional! I'm certainly not the khaki and white t-shirt family pic kind of girl (no offense to those that are). We're planning on wearing black t-shirts and jeans and I'm going to wear my red high heels for some and maybe go barefoot for a couple. I can't wait to see how they turn out and share them with ya'll.
Just a reminder to my race fan friends...tonight is BRISTOL!!!! I'm sure we'll be glued to the tv... and with a little bit of luck Kyle Busch will blow an engine or something, lol.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Life's a changing...

Life's changing already and Bristol's not even here yet. Doc T took me out of work today and told me to go home and rest. Ya'll know me enough to know that my very first thought was "I haven't trained a temp yet... who will do all the freight bills?" He told me that it was not my problem right now so, as hard as it was, I came home and sat in the recliner all afternoon watching tv and napping.
After supper I did get Jay to help me rearrange the living room a little and move a bigger table by my recliner so I can have all my necessities in one place (TUMS, laptop, remote control, cell phone, Kleenex and some books) I should be able to make it just fine, don't ya think?